The global economy is experiencing supply chain stresses that structurally impact a broad spectrum of products and services critical to commercial and governmental sectors.

Our Supply Chain and Strategic Opportunities platform draws on Cerberus’ integrated investment and operating expertise to advance companies and capabilities across supply chains, from technology to commodities to manufacturing and services.

With dedicated funding and expertise across investment lifecycles, we invest in enterprising businesses that harness next-generation technologies, advance supply chain integrity, and strive to achieve commensurate growth and returns. We provide investment and operating resources to a diverse array of companies across funding rounds and stages – mature, growth, or early stage.

Our cohesive team includes policy experts, technologists, investment professionals, and operating executives. We partner with entrepreneurs and management teams to drive innovation, promote resilient infrastructure, and increase security for the United States and partner nations.


Investment Focus Areas

  • Semiconductors and Microelectronics
  • 5G, loT, and Edge Compute
  • Autonomy and Transportation
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Next-Gen Compute Platforms and Web 3.0
  • Cybersecurity
  • Electrification, Rare Earths, and Minerals
  • Aerospace and Defense Modernization
  • Biotech and Public Health Preparedness


Proprietary Operating Capabilities

Our investment partners leverage the full strength of Cerberus’ global platform, including our propriety operating capabilities in Cerberus Operations and Advisory Company and Cerberus Technology Solutions. With more than 150 operating executives and functional experts, our industry-leading operations platforms provide support, expertise, and guidance to help business leaders achieve their strategic vision and growth objectives.


Advisory Network

Our team works with an extensive advisory network that includes technology, policy, and security leaders from the public and private sectors. Our advisors bring in-depth understanding of next-generation supply chains, along with the relevant experience in navigating both commercial and government markets.